doas2 писал(а):
Друг-гей.Оказывается, гей-движение в России имеет под собой давнюю и прочную опору.
В Вики на этот счёт есть следующая инфа:
При этом иностранных путешественников шокировало широкое и открытое распространение на Московской Руси педерастии и гомосексуальности вообще, который там, в отличие от Западной Европы, не преследовался по закону. Английский поэт Джордж Тэрбервилл, посетивший Москву в составе дипломатической миссии в 1568 году, писал:
Хоть есть у мужика достойная супруга,
Он ей предпочитает мужеложца-друга.
Он тащит юношей, не дев, к себе в постель.
Вот в грех какой его ввергает хмель.
и тп.
Педерастия: Педерастия в РоссииНо самое удивительное, что в оригинале Тербервиля именно этих строк и нет. Знающие английский могут проверить самостоятельно:
Which went as Secretaire thither with Master Tho. Randolph, her
Maisties Embassadour to the Emperour, 1568, to certaine
friends of his in London, describing the manners
of the countrey and people.
My Dancie deere, when I recount within my brest,
My London friends, and wonted mates, and thee above the rest:
I feele a thousand fittes of deepe and deadly woe,
To thinke that I from land to sea, from bliss to bale did goe.
I left my native soyle, full like a retchlesse man,
And unacquainted of the coast, among the Russies ran:
A people passing rude, to vices vile inclinde.
Folke fitting to be of Bacchus' trayne, so quaffing is their kinde,
Drinke is their whole desire, the pot is all their pride,
The sobrest head doeth once a day stand needfull of a guide.
If he to banquet bid his friends, he will not shrinke
On them at dinner to bestowe a douzen kindes of drinke:
Such licour as they have, and as the countrey gives,
But chiefly two, one called Kuas, whereby the Mousike lives,
Small ware and waterlike, but somewhat tarte in taste,
The rest is Meade of honie made, wherewith their lippes they haste.
And if he goe unto his neighbour as a guest,
He cares for litle meate, if so his drinke be of the best;
No wonder though they use such vile and beastly trade,
Sith with the hatchet and the hand their chiefest gods be made;
Their idoles haue their heartes - on God they never call,
Unlesse it be Nichola Bough that hangs against the wall.
The house that hath no god or paynted saint within,
Is not to be resorted too - that roofe is full of sinne.
Besides their priuate gods, in open places stand
Their crosses, unto which they crooch, and bless themselves with hand;
Devoutly downe they ducke with forehead to the ground,
Was neuer more deceit in ragges and greasie garments found.
Almost the meanest man in all the countrie rides;
The woman eke, against our use, her trotting horse bestrides:
In sundry colours they, both men and women goe,
In buskins all, that money haue on buskins to bestoe.
Eche woman hanging hath a ring within her eare,
Which all of auncient vse, and some of very pride doe weare;
Their gate is very brave, their countenance wise and sadde,
And yet they follow fleshly lustes, their trade of living badde.
It is no shame at all accounted, to defile
Anothers bedde, they make no care their follies to concile;
Is not the meanest man in all the land but hee,
To buy her paynted colours, doth allow his wife a fee,
Wherewith she deckes herselfe, and dyes her tawnie skinne,
She prankes and paints her smoakie face, both browe, lippe, cheeke, and chinne.
Yea those that honest are, if any such there be
Within the land, doe use the like; a man may plainely see
Upon some womens cheekes the paynting how it lies,
In plaister sort for that too thick, her face the harlot dies.
But such as skilfull are, and cunning dames indeed,
By daily practise doe it well, yea sure they doe exceede;
They lay their colours so, as he that is full wise,
May easly be deceiv'd therein, if he doe trust his eyes.
I not a little muse, what madnes makes them paint
Their faces, waying how they keepe the stoove by meere constraint;
For seldome when, vnlesse on church or marriage day,
A man shall see the dames abroade that are of best aray;
The Russie meanes to reape the profit of her pryde,
And so he mewes her to be sure she lye by no mans side.
Thus much, friend Dancie, I did meane to write to thee,
To let thee weete in Russia land what men and women bee.
Hereafter I perhaps of other things will write
To thee, and other of my friendes, which I shall see with sight;
And other stuife besides, which true report shall tell,
Meanewhile I ende my louing lines, and bid thee now farewell.